What is Open Surgery?
Open surgery means the cutting of skin and tissues so that the surgeon has a full view of the structures or organs involved. Open surgery is the traditional type of surgery in which an incision is made using a scalpel. You may have seen procedures on television or in the movies where a surgeon makes an incision, then performs the surgery through that large incision. These incisions can range from 3-4 inches to very large, depending upon the procedure being performed.

Open Surgery vs. Minimally Invasive Surgery
Open surgeries are less common than they used to be due to the creation of “minimally invasive” surgical techniques that involve smaller incisions or even (in some cases) no incision at all. These surgeries use multiple incisions less than an inch in length, with a camera and instruments inserted into the small incisions, and the surgeon is able to watch the procedure on a large monitor as if playing a very technical video game.
When is Open Surgery Necessary?
While minimally invasive surgery has become increasingly popular, that doesn’t mean that open surgery is obsolete. There are a number of situations in which open surgery is still necessary. Such as:
- *When repairs simply cannot be made effectively using minimally invasive techniques
- *Only open surgery provides the visual information required to completely remove tissues or accurately diagnose a condition
- *Some types of surgeries require access to larger areas in order to insert materials, or a patient’s anatomy does not allow for proper access.
Your surgeon will be able to explain which type of procedure is best in your unique circumstance and can help you make the decision that will lead to your best possible surgical outcome.
Get Your Surgery at Gwinnett Surgical Specialists
Have one of our surgeons at Gwinnett Surgical Specialists, Lawrenceville, Georgia, talk to you about which type of minimally invasive surgery may be best for your surgical needs. Please call us at 770-962-9977 and schedule an appointment.